White Belly Caiman

The white bellied caiman , also known as the spectacled caiman, are crocodilian, in the family Alligatoridae. They have pale,  ivory-colored skin. As well as, a bony,  specticle-like, ridge between the eyes. Their snouts are shorter and more rounded  than the American crocodile.Males are usually longer and heavier than the females, ranging from 4-8 ft in length and 15-88 pounds in weight. 

Caimans prefer calm, turbid waters with floating or emerging vegetation. They can tolerate salt water, but generally prefer areas of still water. White bellied caiman live in a variety of places in Central and South America, Including rivers, creeks and canals. As well as mangrove rivers, marshes and swamps. Caimans enjoy areas of high rainfall. During the dry season , in groups, they migrate the remaining bodies of water. If weather conditions become too harsh, they often burry themselves under the mud until conditions improve. 

While submerged, white bellied caimans, like other caimans, eat a variety of food depending on their age and size. Neonates, or infants less than 4 weeks, feed on aquatic and terrestrial insects. Juveniles eat crustaceans, insects, small fish, amphibians and small mammals. In their final stage as adults, they eat fish, birds ,various mammalian species and carrion. Although caiman consume a lot of different prey, due to their size, they have very few predators.

Caiman predators include Jaguars, anacondas , crocodiles, and humans. Jaguars are able to prey on caimans due to their aquatic skills and powerful bite. Anacondas  and crocodiles prey on only the smaller species of caiman. Humans are the main predators of caiman , hunting them for their valuable meat and skin to make leather.

Even with all of these predators, for the white bellied caiman, the most dangerous time in its life is when it is still in the egg. The average life span of a whit bellied caiman is about 60 years .Females build nests during wet season and lay a cluster if 10-70 eggs. They young hatch and emerge during dry season. They are about 20-23 cm with yellow and black spots. They stay close to their parents for about a year and a half and grow until its mating season.