Fishing Expeditions
Red Uakari Jungle Tours offers fishing expeditions to Tamshiyacu Tahuayo, as well as down the Yarapa River located in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. As we adventure down the Amazon River and its many tributaries we will have many opportunities to catch a variety of fish. Whether you are an experienced angler or it’s your first time holding a fishing pole, we will ensure you will have a great fishing experience!
One of the most beautiful fish in the Amazon, the Peacock Bass can grow up to 28 pounds and 3 feet in length. This fish is famous for its flavor
One of the largest freshwater fish in the world. The Paiche or Arapaima can grow up to 220 pounds and can reach up to 2 and a half meters long. The are easy to catch because they come up for air about every 5 to 15 minutes. We can find these brilliant specimens in many of the lakes of in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
Rainbow Catfish is one of the largest fresh water fish in the Amazon. These fish are an important food source because of their abundance and size.
One of the most notorious fish in the Amazon. The Piranha is famous for its sharp teeth that it is uses to feed on almost anything. Despite their harmful reputation, these small fish are easy to catch and easy to find.