Red Uakari Poison Frog

The red uakari poison frog (Ranitomeya Uakarii) is a small frog with red-orange stripes down its sides and  backbone. It has wide , yellow stripes on its flanks. They have a black mark, in the shape of a U , on its head. All four of their legs are blue with small, fine black spots and dots. They also have big black irises. These tiny, poison frogs range from 13-16mm in size. Their heads are slightly narrower than the rest of their bodies. Poison frog skin is typically smooth. It is thin and permeable to absorb oxygen and moisture. It also has a layer of mucus to help maintain moisture and in some spots sticky, to help the frog cling to surfaces.

The Uakari poison frog lives in the lowland rainforests of Central (Guyana and Columbia) and South America(Brazil, Peru and Bolivia).They primarily are found on the forest floor but can climb up to the canopy. They enjoy primary and secondary rainforests , forests that don’t flood , leaf litter on the forest floor and cavities between tree roots. Which hold some of their favorite snacks!

Fun fact! The frogs poison comes from its diet of ants, termites, centipedes and beetles. The toxins collect in the glands of the frogs skin. Poison dart frogs are carnivorous, but they eat small invertebrates. They use their sticky tongues to catch prey. They are opportunistic hunters. These frogs also have excellent eye sight , which is very useful in catching prey as well.

Although these frogs have a wide range of insects to prey on, they have very few predators to be preyed upon. Due to their toxicity ,the fire-bellied snake is the only natural predator of most poison dart frogs. The snake has developed a resistance to the frog venom. When a frog feels threatened , it secretes a mile white substance from its back , containing the toxins.

As far as it’s day to day activities, these frogs spend most of their time hopping around the forrest floor in search of prey. Unlike most other types of frogs, they are diurnal, or active during the day. Poison dart frogs also have unique reproductive habits. Males perform an elaborate courtship dance to attract females.Usually more than one female will respond and they will fight , aggressively, until there is a winner. The females will lay her eggs on the forrest floor. The males protect the eggs, and after hatching, will carry them on their backs to the nearest water source.

Ranitomeya flavovittata

The flavovittata poison frog (Ranitomeya Flavovittata) is a small frog with black-yellow stripes